Stad Gent
Stad Gent
The City of Ghent wants to be climate neutral by 2050. That’s why they are fully committed to a liveable climate for its citizens, encourage circular entrepreneurship and support numerous cleantech developments in North Sea Port.
In 2021, the City of Ghent committed to a long-term cooperation with North Sea Port on projects involving carbon capture and valorisation. In addition, a wide range of circular themes such as waste streams, water, biobased economy and green molecules were developed into concrete projects in close cooperation with the city. Our local governance values participation, co-creation, living labs and the other initiatives involving various industries and institutions. Academia and research centres collaborate with large and small companies on a regular basis to establish partnerships and create solutions together. Just think of Ghent Carbon Hub, which is researching the realisation of an open, accessible terminal for CO2 and a CO2 pipeline network with connection to Wallonia. Today, the efforts made by the City of Ghent and all the partners ensure that this project can count on European support for this crucial study phase. As a city, we will continue to work towards a sustainable port in which cooperation and innovation are key.